Air Plan Aviation is an Aviation English LAB. (EL.LAB.029) It provides aviators and air traffic controllers with the full spectrum of language proficiency training and preparation for the language proficiency examination, as well as examination services and the assessment of examination results; in addition it provides Aviation English language assessor training. The language proficiency requirements, as defined and implemented by the ICAO, set a number of criteria that the aviators and air traffic controllers will have to meet in order to prove their capability to achieve the necessary level of common understanding within the framework of the execution of their tasks. Air Plan Aviation LAB aviation English assessment, assessor training, language instructor training and aviation English training complies with the guidelines set out in ICAO DOC 9835 AN/453 ANNEXES 1, 6, 10 and 11 ICAO CIR323 AN/185, CIR318 AN/180, EASA Commission Regulation (EU) No 245/2014 The language proficiency examination is a requirement for all existing licensed pilots, applicants for pilot licenses, Air Traffic Controllers.